Farmstay with the Douglas Family | Chinhoyi
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With the beautiful Douglas family on their farm in Chinhoyi :) |
I had the immense privilege of staying on a 400-hectar
farm-land in Chinhoyi (about one and a half hours north of Harare city)
with the incredible Douglas family Bruce and Sue, and their two adopted
children David and Deborah. Ill never forget their open-hearted
generosity and the words of truth that they have so graciously spoken
into my life at this pivotal season in my faith journey.
have learnt so much from their life story and the persecution they
faced from standing their ground in Zimbabwe through all the political,
economical and racial turmoil, and at the same time trying to raise
their kids both their biological children Nathan and Tracy, as well as
David and Deborah, the children they had fostered from the time they
were mere babies and eventually were able to formally adopt about ten
years later; through the tumultuous times of the farm invasions, when
white farmers in Zimbabwe were threatened and many driven out of their
homes and farm lands. The Douglass had to also deal with the racial
discrimination and misunderstandings that resulted from their decision
to foster and adopt two Zimbabwean orphans. It was also extra difficult
in their case because one of the children was HIV-positive. So despite
all their friends and many of their family or neighbours hating and
ridiculing them for making these children their own, they decided
against all opposition to continue with what they believed God was
calling them to do. This amazing couple knew they needed to return to
Zimbabwe no matter what.
After Bruce's life had been threatened, they
fled the country for a time and were forced to leave Dave and Deb in an
orphanage. It was a horrific time for them all. But eventually they
returned and by the grace of God, were able to choose and walk in the
path of forgiveness with the black Zimbabwean war veteran who took their
farm lands by force. The man had tried farming the land for seven
years, but it was futile, because he had never worked in the farming
business. He eventually asked the Douglass to return to build up their
business again (Sues family were third generation farmers in Chinhoyi),
although he would still maintain ownership of the farm and receive a
large percentage of the Douglass profits.
it is simply amazing to hear their story of forgiveness and
reconciliation, because it was no doubt such a difficult thing to
choose during the land grab, their house was completely looted, their
lives were threatened and their whole livelihood was taken forcefully
from them. How do you forgive people who have hurt your family and taken
away what you love and treasure? I am just mind-blown by their
tenacity, their faith in Jesus and their relentless love for the people
of Zimbabwe especially the rural villagers and the orphans of the
Since their return to the
farming business in Chinhoyi, they have also opened up a butchery shop
and a small take-out place. Through their business, they have been able
to reach out to countless black Zimbabweans who are struggling to
survive and provide for their families. The Douglass testify to seeing
all this as a God-given opportunity to minister to people whose needs
run deeper than the mere physical.
truly felt that it was no coincidence that I had met them on December 6
when I was transiting on the plane from Johannesburg to Harare. (Read my
previous post for that story!) When they gave me their number and
invited me to stay with them at Chinhoyi at some point in my trip, I
took that on board, but for the next two weeks got too busy to contact
them. But finally when I did, it turned out to be the perfect timing to
call them. They immediately offered to pick me from my missions
teamhouse in Harare the very next day because they were heading to the
city to drop their daughters family off at the airport! Talk about
divine appointment, I believe this was definitely one of them.
know why? Now that I reflect on it, I truly believe these guys were an
answered prayer, even before I had gone on the two weeks of ministry
work with the street kids and the slum township God knew the challenges
I would face, He knew the prayers I would make in those two weeks, and
He knew I needed to meet these guys and learn from their ministry and
experience. Truly, the last two weeks have been challenging, as I saw
the scale of deprivation and brokenness in the various families,
villages, townships and communities I entered into. Many children and
young people were orphaned or only had one parent who could not afford
to provide for them or send them to school. The townships were simply
lacking in basic infrastructure, and so many people were stuck in the
poverty mentality what Bruce called an orphan spirit. Many are content
to take and get as much or as little as they can from aid organisations,
but they are reluctant or unable to envision themselves taking
initiative or responsibility to make the changes in their own
It'd really make me cry when I'd go back into my room at
the end of the day and take all this in within my heart, mind and
spirit. The poverty is not just a physical problem, or even a
psychological one. It is a spiritual problem the vicious cycle of want,
abuse, lack of knowledge, and recurrent sins have wrecked havoc that is
seemingly beyond repair. There is so much brokenness. The darkness is
so great, you wonder if the light would or could shine for very long if
at all in some of these shadowy crevices. So in my despair, I cried
out to God. I still cry out to God. And I realize then with deeper
conviction that what God is calling me to do and every other person who
desires to do something with their lives is to reach the inward
person; the person within the person.
we are so caught up with our projects, our aid work, and our charitable
actions that we forget to reach out to someone and share with them the
hope that is found in Jesus. This is truly my conviction. Yes, we need
to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, fill the thirsty, fight for the
oppressed, provide healthcare for the sick and wounded, offer counseling
for the mentally distressed, and all these other things that we know we
need to concern ourselves about but, most of all, we need to do all
this with the kingdom of God in mind and heart. It is found in Isaiah 58
and 61. Jesus came to set the captives free you and me included. He
came to restore the broken-hearted and the spiritually malnourished. He
came to establish righteousness and justice. He is alive and working
right now in the hearts of those who are hearing his voice and feeling
his spirit touch the deepest part of our being. It is not an ambiguous
voice, it is clear and loud but it is precisely clear and loud because
it is spoken all in a spirit whisper. It is a stark contrast to the
noise and the brash voices of the world around us. It takes guts,
patience and humility to listen. How can I even begin to describe it? It
is the most wonderful thing!
speaks to us in many ways but the first thing we should turn to is His
inspired word, the Bible. It is through this very thing that He can also
illuminate our hardened hearts and stubborn minds through
circumstances, people, songs and music, and through anything really. But
Im discovering more and more that when I read Gods word and I choose to
be still and silent to hear His voice, He speaks to me in my thoughts
and in impressions that cannot be explained with words. But like I said,
Jesus does not speak ambiguously. We are not left as orphans in the
dark. We are sons and daughters of God in Christ Jesus. Because of His
redemptive work on the cross, we can come to God in full confidence,
knowing that we are washed clean and made whole. The worst sinner is the
proud in heart the one who doesn't acknowledge God and who refuses to
admit his pride and lostness. (Now were you offended by that? Perhaps
you have that pride in you then. Just as I had, and I still do have when
I am not careful to let God examine and purify my thoughts and
Anyhow, as I was saying
earlier (haha I know, I tend to go on these d-and-m tangents) God really
knew that I needed to meet Bruce and Sue. A few days ago, before I went
to their place on the 22nd of December, I was out in a place called
Gweru on a camping safari trip. When I was out there, living in the
river tent, hearing the sounds of lions roaring and elephants bellowing
in the near distance, I did not have any communication network on my
phone. So I told God I would spend lots of time just taking in the
surroundings, reflecting on my last two weeks in Zimbabwe, reading,
journaling, praying and worshipping with my ukulele. As I did all that, I
really felt that I wanted more of Gods spirit. I wanted to know Jesus
in a deeper way. For a long time, I had known about him. Now I do know
Him, his spirit living within me but still, I want to go deeper. And
truly, there is so much more! So that's it, isnt it? The whole Christian
journey is to desire more of who Jesus is. That is what makes the
Christ-ian (a follower of Christ) journey such an exciting, never-ending
joy-and-challenge-filled one.
asked God to continue to lead me to people who would be able to guide me
and speak into my life so that I could learn more about His word, His
kingdom, His calling for me, His purpose, and His gifts through the Holy
Spirit. It was a specific prayer, and I knew God would answer it. On
one of the rainy days when I was sitting in my river tent, with my
ukulele and Bible in hand, I felt compelled to read John 12 (it popped
up in my mind). When I turned to it, I knew God was bringing this
passage to my memory for a reason. It was the event where Mary (Lazarus
and Martha's sister) broke the precious alabaster perfume jar at the
feet of Jesus in an act of love and worship. Judas (who was later to
betray Jesus) got irritated by the lavish display of devotion, and
expressed his hypocritical indignation by saying something to the effect
of, What a waste! That expensive jar of alabaster could have been sold
for a years worth of wages and given to the poor! But guess what, Jesus
rebuked him and said, What this woman has done for me will be preached
all over the world. You will always have the poor with you, but not Me.
I asked God what this passage meant for me personally and for the next
lap of my journey next year, I felt Him telling me that this coming year
will be a year for me to spend getting to know Jesus in a deeper way.
It will be a year of knowing Him and sitting at his feet by making that
time and it can only happen if I am willing to break my alabaster jar
before Him and for His purpose. Its not about good works or giving away
everything to the poor (although faith should manifest itself in
fruitful works as such). It is about Jesus. It is about knowing Him so
deeply like a friend, a mentor, and of course, my personal Lord and
Saviour. It is about being filled with His love, truth and spirit so
much so that I will naturally live out in boldness the life He is
calling me to. It will not be a life of comfort or self-satisfaction,
but it will be a life of adventure, challenges, sacrifice, obedience and
true fulfilment. This is joy, hope, peace and overflowing love that can
only come from God the Giver of life!
the few days that I spent on the farm with the Douglass led me in
exactly the direction that I was headed. I didn't know it, but God was
setting me up through these guys. Every morning, despite the busyness of
their schedule and work, Bruce and Sue would take time after breakfast
to chat with me and we would pray and do a Bible study together. It was
such a special time. For some reason, Bruce felt compelled to talk about
the foundations of faith as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And
surprise, surprise, these were the exact things I had been asking God to
teach me about because I knew I needed to learn them on a deeper level
at this point in my walk with God. See, I knew there was a reason I was
coming to Zimbabwe! It was more than just for volunteer or missions
work, travel and backpacking. I believe meeting this couple and their
family was one of the things that I needed to encounter while in
Zimbabwe and God made it happen in the most miraculous of ways!
also generously gave me a few books to guide me on these topics and
help me plunge deeper into what God is calling me to. On my last morning
at their place, Bruce and Sue wanted to pray for me and ask God to
speak into my life for this season. So we stood up and they stood around
me, they laid their hands on me and prayed for me. You know, the Bible
says when two or three are gathered in My name, I will hear them. And
God does. They spoke words of life into my life, as inspired by the Holy
Spirit in those special moments. It was nothing emotional or drastic,
it was simply God using these guys to encourage and guide me along the
narrow path. Immediately after, I got my journal and wrote down the
stuff they said and the things I believe God was also speaking to me. I
know that I wont take the conventional path, I wont live for my own
ambitions. I know that God is establishing and grounding my identity in
Christ as I walk in faith. He is teaching me how to live as His
daughter, His disciple. I know there's a reason that I had gone to
Israel a few months before during the 50-day summer war. I know there's
definitely a reason I finally made it to Africa at this time and landed
up here. I know God is building a conviction and passion within me to
use my love for music, writing and the arts to minister to people in
dark places and draw them to the grace and knowledge of who Jesus is. I
am not ashamed of it. It is life and hope the best thing I have ever
found, so why would I hesitate to share it with anyone I encounter along
the way?
I know that God will
continue to lead me out into the fray, to step into difficult places and
to walk a different path. But what I must do is uphold the word of
truth, the light unto my path, everywhere that I walk. I must live by
faith and not merely by sight. I must trust and obey, and not rely on my
own abilities or understanding alone. I must worship fully and love
all, as Jesus calls each of us to do. I must build my life on the solid
rock, on the surest foundation, that is Jesus Christ himself. I must
continue to acquire, with hard work and patience and of course, no
little measure of ingenuity new and practical skills, so I can be more
effective in blessing others wherever I go.
My focus is
not on charity, it is on building the kingdom of God. It is not a
kingdom of high walls and fortresses, opulent halls and the use of
political prowess. It is an invisible kingdom that bears fruit in the
people whose lives will be transformed from the inside out. It will
uphold truth, righteousness and justice. It will be built on the rocks
of prayer, worship and the study of Gods word. It will be a safe haven, a
place where captives are released from their chains and bondage. It
will bring forth peace-makers (note: not peace-keepers, there's a vast
difference), missionaries, teachers, worshipers, entrepreneurs who will
use their gifts for the benefit of others, and so many more.
will not be intimidated by mere men. I will not be discouraged by
circumstances, although there will be times when Ill be tempted to
remain in such discouragement. But you know, often it is sadness and
despair at the sorry state of our broken world that drives us to God,
and once again, to hope in Jesus. It is not a futile hope, I assure you.
There will be scoffers and mockers and doubters, but let me say it
again: my faith is not a crutch; it is a pillar, a sure anchor for the
I will fight and make a stand. I
will fail, but I will not give up the struggle. Yes, I will fall, but I
will not stop getting up again. By the grace of God go I. I am weak,
but it is precisely my weakness that allows for God's strength to show.
am so looking forward to the weeks and months ahead. It is an exciting
time. Treacherous things are happening around the world evil is growing
stronger, the love of many is growing colder but we hold fast to
Christ and His promises. We do not sit back and relax, we do not hide in
our holes like hermits; we will stand up and fight. We will fight for
joy, for peace, for our own character to be forged, for the people who
do not have what we have, for the kingdom that is unseen, for the truth
that we have received.
'For God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind.' 2 Timothy 1:7
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